Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Broken World


A Broken World

What is the about this world,

As the demonstrator's flag becomes unfurled.

While nervously watching people pass on by,

Nobody stops to ask me why.

Crowds gathered began to cause an uproar,

Smelling the smoke from a burnt-out store.

Suddenly I am gasping desperately for some air.

On every crowded street, people began to stare.

I got shoved and pushed around,

All I could hear was a screamin' sound.

The air burns and I'm tryin' to think straight,

And I don't know how much longer I can wait.

I twist my head and look around,

I see the change in this here town.

I feel tightness as the people press against me,

They're trying to bust out and gettin' free.

While some are looting, robbing or stealing,

Seems they're void of any feeling.