
Showing posts from September, 2024

They Call Him Jesus

In a humble town, beneath the sky so blue, A child was born, a promise true. With eyes of compassion, and a heart so pure, They call Him Jesus, love’s enduring cure. He walked among us, in sandals worn, With words of wisdom, a new dawn born. He healed the sick, and calmed the sea, They call Him Jesus, who sets us free. With every step, He showed the way, To live with grace, each and every day. He spoke of love, and faith so strong, They call Him Jesus, where we belong. In times of sorrow, and darkest night, He is the beacon, the guiding light. With arms wide open, He welcomes all, They call Him Jesus, who hears our call. He bore the cross, with love so deep, For all our sins, His life to keep. He rose again, the victory won, They call Him Jesus, God’s own Son. In every heart, His spirit lives, A gift of love, that always gives. With faith in Him, we find our way, They call Him Jesus, our hope each day. So let us follow, in His embrace, With love and kin