
Showing posts from June, 2024

Shadows in the Whispering Forest

~Shadows in the Whispering Forest~ Chapter One: ~Killing Up Close~ In the realm where the sun kisses the horizon with hues of amber and the moon bathes the land in a silvery glow, there prowls the Majestic Manticore. With the body of a lion, the tail of a scorpion, and a human-like visage, this creature commands the dunes and cliffs of the Outer Barrens. Its roar is a symphony of power, and its venom, a dance of death. The Manticore is not merely a beast; it is the guardian of ancient secrets, a living relic of a world steeped in magic. Lady Katherine, a noble lady of the realm and a warrior of repute, harbors a fear that gnaws at her heart. It is not the fear of battle nor the dread of defeat, but the terror of oblivion. Her greatest fear is to be forgotten, to become a mere whisper in the annals of history, her deeds and sacrifices lost to the sands of time. This fear drives her, fuels her sword arm, and sharpens her resolve. The Whispering Woods The Whispering Wo

Need a Title

I need help on the title of a book I just finished writing. Beyond the reaches of civilization, the thick woods teeming with diverse flora provided a haven for those fleeing the chaos of war. These valiant beings had exhausted their efforts to quell the terrible conflict, yet their attempts were in vain. Soldiers from disparate realms perished, united in their shared instinct for survival and the preservation of their species. A clash between Demons and Archangels ensued, a confrontation more devastating than any strife wrought by humans. The once verdant field was now stained with the blood of the fallen. Motionless bodies littered the landscape, with scarcely a breath to be heard. Amidst the carnage, two figures stood—a lone angel and a solitary demon, each at the brink of their endurance. Gasping for air, they faced each other, a mere ten feet apart, divided by the silent ranks of their fallen comrades. Sweat mingled with blood on their weary faces, while wounds marred their fl